Tuesday, November 27, 2007










1. 我国的廉洁排名,从24名降到28名,在从28名,降到今年的32名。

2. 外债达到马币1000亿。

3. 政府部门的繁文缛节,令外资却步。

4. 政府常常以招纳外资为由,组团到外国看肚皮舞。单单是许子根,一年就出国几次。花的都是你我的钱!

5. 政府总共批准了4000多项私营计划。

6. 私营化的三部曲是:




7. 政府强调,私营化为政府省下数千亿马币的费用,可是当私营计化亏损,政府就回收,这好像是赚钱私营化赚,亏损却由政府承担。

8. 为了安抚朋党,国阵想尽办法把所有的东西私营化。

9. 总共有200多项私营计划因为亏损而被政府收回,亏损额达600亿马币。其中英达立水占了近50亿。

10. 政府收回私营企业,又以马航最荒缪,因为政府以每股RM8.00,向马航回收所有股份,可是当时马航股价只有RM2.00,为何政府会出此高价?因为当年马航主席,是以每股RM8.00,向政府购买马航。

11. 南北大道,一起再起,合约不透明,原本到2018年,可是获准一再延迟到2038年7月。

12. 入口车准證不公开,沒有公佈名單与細節又如何可以称为“非常透明”呢?人民都是傻瓜嗎?

13. 公共交通系统没有规划,造成年年亏损。

14. 槟榔屿外环大道收费公司即将在槟州出现,而得标者是Setegap Bhd,一家PN4公司,透明度在哪里?

15. 劳民伤财,花了一大堆钱搞美化。

16. 浪费公币,搞一些不实际的大白象。

17. 不切实际的幻想,比如说14年超越中国,7年内超越新加坡,自称雪州为先进州。

18. 因为太多的议员,造成政府大兴土木,好让所有人有的分。

19. 没有好好策划,兴建好了的国小,因为没有马路而废置。

20. 很多工程因为没有良好的策划而停工,需要政府回收,承包商又不用受对付。

21. 一大堆的豆腐工程,人民生命受威胁。

22. 汽油,电费,水费,一起再起。

23. 教育制度不完善,连世界有名的北京大学都不承认,反而承认印尼一所无名大学。

24. 统考已经被世界多所有名大学承认,只有我国不成认。

25. 大学固打制,造成数以万计的优秀生被邻国挖走。

26. 近10万名土著大学生失业。

27. 胡乱发放贷学金给土著,导致110亿马币收不回。

28. 公积金局虽然拥有数千亿的资金,却年年亏损,主要是时常拯救有问题的公司。

29. 公积金局的账面亏损,从1998年的4.35亿马币,狂升到2004年49.68亿马币。

30. 国家石油变成私人财产,因为只有老马可以调动国家石油的资金。

31. 竞争能力一再下跌,早期不如新加坡,然后不如泰国,现在又不如越南,会不会最后不如印尼?

32. 强调广招人才回流,却对人才诸多为难。

33. 我要听真话,我要做全民的首相,沦为口号。

34. 反贪污喊了那么久,有什么大鳄被告?

35. 政府部门常常用该部门的紧急储备金,来购买文具,电脑等不紧急的东西。

36. 再大,再豪华的建筑物,没有好好的管理,最后也成为废物。

37. 华小师资荒已经很严重,但为何要申请成为老师却面对刁难?

38. 沙前首长事件,证明只要一上位,短期内就能成为暴发户。

39. 国阵通过太多太多不利人民的条例。

40. 股市被财团控制,人民的钱化为乌有。

41. 市议会往往没有以人民利益为主,胡乱制定条例。

42. 警察滥权,其善怕恶。

43. 朝夕令改,没有深入研究。

44. 治安败坏,人心惶惶。

45. 为人降低犯罪案,警察阻止人民报案。才用“鸵鸟政策”。

46. 控制媒体,对异议者加以封杀。

47. 为了巩固政权,进行不公平的选区划分。

48. “居者有其屋”,被政府官员滥用,导致人民需要花一笔“咖啡钱”才能购得廉价屋。

49. 为了实现0%非法木屋区,无理拆迁,造成人民无家可归。

50. 非法木屋区常常会有无名大火,好像帮着国阵实现0%非法木屋区。通常都是在早上,因为这样不会出人命。

From: 佳礼中文论坛






















Thursday, November 22, 2007








日股回檔20% 最先邁入熊市





Wednesday, November 21, 2007

1-in-3 chance of global 'recession'

The chances of a global "growth recession" - where world growth dips to historical troughs below 2 per cent - are about one in three next year, according to economists at Germany's biggest bank Deutsche Bank.

Using a predictive model based on financial market readings such as bond yields, currencies, equities, house prices and short-term interest rates, Deutsche said there was about a 33 per cent chance of a "serious growth recession" as experienced in the early 1970s and 1980s.

In a note to clients dated November 19, its economists said there was just less than 50-50 chance of a mini growth recession akin to those in the early 1990s and early this decade.

"The bursting of the housing and credit bubble this year and the ensuing credit and banking crisis have elevated the level of uncertainty about the economic outlook to an unusually high level," the Deutsche report said.

Due to factors such as rapid population growth, recorded world growth has rarely - if ever - been negative since World War Two, economists say.

But most reckon a world slowdown to less than 2 per cent from current rates about 5 per cent would, for most countries, look and feel like a recession - technically defined in developed economies as two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.

While Deutsche said it maintained its "cautiously optimistic" forecast for a global slowdown to 4.6 per cent growth next year from 5.1 per cent in 2007, it said the risks of a deeper pullback were now significant.

Deustche added it saw the chances of an outright recession in the United States as similar, but slightly lower.

Its models suggested the chances of a mild US recession over the next 12 months were slightly less than 50-50 and the probability of a severe recession about one-in-four.


Stocks with good dividend yield

What type of stocks should I buy given the present uncertainty on the stock market’s future direction?

It is always very difficult to determine whether we’ve seen the worst or if it is still in a situation pending a major market correction. Although there are a lot of uncertainties over the market’s future, we can still invest if we are able to find stocks paying good dividend yields.

According to Benjamin Graham and David Dodd in their book, Security Analysis, the price paid for a stock would be determined chiefly by the amount of the dividend paid. A good company should pay dividends. This is one of the best ways to reward shareholders. Besides, we always believe a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Stocks paying good dividends will provide us with a “floor” if the market is undergoing a correction.

For example, Company A has a stable business and is paying a relatively fixed dividend of 32 sen a year. Its dividend yield (DY) will be equivalent to 5.3% based on the market price of RM6. This is quite attractive if we compare it with the current 12-month fixed deposit (FD) rate of 3.7%.

Assuming, as a result of a big market correction, its stock price tumbles to RM5, then its DY will surge to 6.4%. This will make Company A even more attractive compared with FD rates.

Certain investors may be worried whether Company A’s business will be affected by the slowdown in the overall economy. If its business is consumer-based with relatively stable demand, its sales and profits will be less affected by the economic slowdown.

Besides, as most companies are trying to maintain a fixed dividend payment, investors can still enjoy good dividend returns. Sometimes, the over-reaction to a market crash may be much greater than the drop in profits. This will give investors another great opportunity to buy the stock at a lower entry price. If investors are prepared to hold on to the stock over the next five to 10 years, a lower entry price will give us greater capital gain.

Certainty of DY versus potential earnings growth

Unfortunately, there are some companies that are not so willing to share their cash reserves with minority shareholders. The most common excuse used is that they want to retain the cash for working capital or for future expansion.

By announcing several positive corporate proposals, the company may mislead the investing public on the potential of its future growth.

They may not be aware that the actual return to the investors could be very much different from what they had anticipated from the company’s growth.

That explains why a stock with potential earnings growth of 15% plus a 1% DY could be sold at a much higher price than a stock with 11% growth and a 5% DY - a scenario that kept John Neff, a well-known investment guru and fund manager for Windsor Fund, puzzled.

A company usually tries its best to maintain its dividend payout policy. Thus, the certainty of DY should command more value compared with the uncertainty of future earnings growth, although the latter may translate to higher future dividend payout.

However, there are companies that have high turnover but incur losses every year. We may wonder why these companies’ owners are willing to be involved in a loss-making business. Most of the time, they make small losses but on the back of a couple of hundred million in turnover.

This may be attributed to the genuinely tough business environment, or sometimes, tax avoidance purposes. These companies will normally not declare any dividends. Thus, the investors will not receive any income returns. Also, as a result of small losses every year, the depleting reserves will further weaken the stock’s market price. Apart from receiving zero income returns, investors will also incur capital losses over the longer period.


(紐約21日訊)美國第二大房貸融資公司房地美(Freddie Mac)股價暴跌29%,是1988年上市以來最大跌幅,因該公司上季虧損創紀錄,有可能會削減股利並需要募集資本金。


房地美與更大對手房利美(Fannie Mae)今年市值已縮水410億美元,因房貸違約和房屋被收回數量上升到紀錄最高。這兩家持有或擔保40%的美國11.5兆美元房貸市場的公司,將幾無資金用于發放新房貸。






輕原油期價20日在紐約才剛勁升3.39美元,以每桶98.03美元作收。 由于美元持續走軟、煉油廠問題和市場對美國聯儲局將于下個月再度降息的預期,國際油價高收98.03美元,且亞洲上午電子盤中仍繼續向上攀昇。

Friday, November 16, 2007




(1.20零吉X 1,000股=1200零吉)



(8.00零吉X200,000股=1,600,000零吉 )



1974年红股3送1 1.3333
1975年红股4送1 1.6625
1977年红股1送1 3.3250
1981年红股1送1 6.6500
1990年红股1送1 后一元股票分成两张五角的股票26.600
1994年红股2送1 39.900




投资者担心次优信贷危机 (sub-prime crisis) 仍会进一步加深并影响美国经济. 新加坡股市再退低1.06%.

投资者担心次优贷款问题而进场套利, 海峡时报指数(STI) 闭市报3440.96, 下跌36.63点.

长远来看, 亚洲股市的基础面强劲, 不过接下来几个星期的股市在次优贷款问题的影响下仍然会持续波.

近来, 股市的波幅越来越大, 这样的股市, 只有三种人适合再留在股市. 如果你不是这三种人其中一种, 也许考虑离场.

第一种人是赌徒, 把股市当赌场来赌.去云顶与留在新加坡赌都一样.

第二种人是买卖股票当娱乐的人. 只动用自己一小部分来玩. 买股赢了钱, 大吃一餐, 去外国旅行. 输了也无所谓, 少吃一餐, 少一次旅行.

第三种人是入市早, 而且持股至今, 股价成本极低的人. 这些也是长期投资者!


China backs HK direct stock investment plan

(BEIJING) A landmark scheme to permit Chinese residents to invest directly in Hong Kong equities remains on track, Joseph Yam, head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, said on Thursday.

Yam said all departments of the Chinese government support the plan in principle and are in the process of drafting measures to control the risks that the scheme entails.

“We’ve had very fruitful exchanges of views as to where the risks are in terms of these proposals and how the risks should be managed,” Yam told reporters.

He said there was no timetable for the launch of the direct investment programme, dubbed “through train” in the media.

“Now it’s only when the risks are identified, and proper risk management measures are put in place, before these proposals can be implemented. We’ve had very good discussions on that,” Yam said.

The plan is an integral part of China’s strategy to encourage private capital outflows in order to relieve upward pressure on the yuan and give people a broader range of investment options.

Under China’s capital controls, residents may invest in overseas securities only through designated banks and fund managers. The amount of money that this Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors (QDII) may send abroad is strictly capped.

China’s currency regulator, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), announced plans for the direct investment programme on Aug. 20.

Hong Kong stocks immediately soared in anticipation of a wall of Chinese money, but it soon became clear that SAFE had not obtained the final consent of other parts of the government.

Premier Wen Jiabao confirmed on Nov. 3 that the plan was on hold pending a review of the risks involved.

Policy makers are variously worried that inexperienced Chinese savers could lose money to savvy global investors or that an exodus of mainland cash could undermine support for high-flying domestic shares.

Yam had meetings in Beiiing with the banking and securities regulators as well as with the central bank.

Peter Sullivan, chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong, one of the bankers accompanying Yam, said discussions with the Chinese authorities had also touched on expanding the QDII scheme.